ong, 4 bytes are being put on the stack, and an integer is only two bytes. Even though one instruction is being used, there are actually two parameters being passed to the MoveTo trap. 50E2: A893 '..' _MoveTo ; (h,v:INTEGER) 50E4: 3F3C 0029 '?<.)' PUSH #41 50E8: 4EBA CE84 2001F6E JSR DRAWRESS It turns out that DRAWRESS will draw the 41st string in the STR# resource. If you look in Resedit, you will see that this is "3.8" the version number. 50EC: 3F3C 000C '?<..' PUSH #12 Note the lack of a size specifier. Remember that this means use the word (two bytes) size. Textsize needs an integer and IM tells us that an integer is two bytes - or one word. 50F0: A88A '..' _TextSize ; (size:INTEGER) This is pretty easy - sets the fontsize to 12 point. 50F2: 422D F4EF -$B11 CLR.B glob25(A5) Here is the .B size specifier, meaning clear only the low byte of glob25. 50F6: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) 50F8: 3F3C 0004 '?<..' PUSH #4 50FC: A9B9 '..' _GetCursor ; (cursorID:INTEGER):CursHandle OK, this is a slightly different trap, since it returns something on the stack - as evidenced by the colon and description at the end of the trap parameter list (:CursHandle). Since this trap returns a value on the stack (and not with a passed pointer as with the GWMgrPort above), the program will first clear enough stack space to hold that value. Thus the CLR.L -(A7). The trap returns a handle which is 32 bits or a long word. The trap needs an integer, so the program pushes the word 4 onto the stack. Next, the program will pop the CursHandle returned by the trap off the stack into the variable glob24. 50FE: 2B5F F4EA -$B16 POP.L glob24(A5) This the CursorHandle. 5102: 1F3C 0002 '.<..' PUSH.B #2 5106: 4EBA AEF8 2000000 JSR SETTHECU This subroutine is setting the cursor. If you look at it, you will see that it looks at the parameter passed (2 in this case) as well as glob25 (0 in this case). When called from here, it will pass down to the 2nd SetCursor and use the CursorHandle in glob24. 510A: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) Once again, clear space on the stack for a returned handle. 510C: 2F3A 0144 2005252 PUSH.L data260 ; 'PACK' 5110: 3F3C 0003 '?<..' PUSH #3 GetResource needs the resource type and the ID# to load. 5114: A9A0 '..' _GetResource ; (theType:ResType; ID:INTEGER):Handle 5116: 285F '(_' POP.L A4 Pop the handle (to the PACK resource) into A4. 5118: 2F0C '/.' PUSH.L A4 And push it back on the stack so HNoPurge can use it. 511A: 4EAD 00CA 1000AA6 JSR HNoPurge(A5) Once again we see a subroutine with the same name as a trap. You can bet that the trap will be called somewhere in the subroutine. 511E: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) 5120: 2F3A 0130 2005252 PUSH.L data260 ; 'PACK' 5124: 3F3C 0006 '?<..' PUSH #6 5128: A9A0 '..' _GetResource ; (theType:ResType; ID:INTEGER):Handle 512A: 285F '(_' POP.L A4 512C: 2F0C '/.' PUSH.L A4 512E: 4EAD 00CA 1000AA6 JSR HNoPurge(A5) OK, the previous several lines have basically loaded two resources, PACK #3, and PACK #6. The handles to the two resources have been made non-purgeable meaning that the memory manager will not remove them to create free space. 5132: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) 5134: 3F3C 0001 '?<..' PUSH #1 5138: 4EAD 0182 1000D8C JSR proc61(A5) This little gem invokes Pack6. My understanding of the package manager is less than it should be, but it looks to me like this says do a Pack6 with a selector of 1. Hell, lets just look at proc 61... D8C: 7406 't.' proc61 MOVEQ #6,D2 OK, here is the selector (and not the 1 passed from the above procedure). So we are going to be calling the IUGetIntl procedure (I think) with a parameter of 1 (passed from the calling procedure. Look in IM for details of this trap and its parameters. D8E: 205F ' _' POP.L A0 This pops the parameter passed, D90: 3F02 '?.' PUSH D2 so that the selector parameter can be put ahead of it on the stack. D92: 2F08 '/.' PUSH.L A0 Now the 2nd parm can be put back on the stack and the trap called. D94: ADED '..' _Pack6 AutoPop; (selector:INTEGER) 513C: 285F '(_' POP.L A4 proc 61 is returning a handle to the intl resource that it loaded, so save it in A4. 513E: 2F0C '/.' PUSH.L A4 5140: 4EAD 00CA 1000AA6 JSR HNoPurge(A5) 5144: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) 5146: 2F3A 010A 2005252 PUSH.L data260 ; 'PACK' 514A: 3F3C 0007 '?<..' PUSH #7 514E: A9A0 '..' _GetResource ; (theType:ResType; ID:INTEGER):Handle 5150: 285F '(_' POP.L A4 A4 now has a handle to Pack #7. 5152: 2F0C '/.' PUSH.L A4 5154: 4EAD 00CA 1000AA6 JSR HNoPurge(A5) 5158: 4EAD 0172 1000D7C JSR proc59(A5) This proc calles Pack2 with a selector of 2. This reads the Disk Initialization package into memory. 515C: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) Clear space on stack for a returned handle. 515E: 2F3A 00EE 200524E PUSH.L data259 ; 'ICON' 5162: 4267 'Bg' CLR -(A7) Push the integer 0. 5164: A9A0 '..' _GetResource ; (theType:ResType; ID:INTEGER):Handle 5166: 285F '(_' POP.L A4 A4 has a handle to Icon resource ID 0. 5168: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) 516A: 2F3A 00E2 200524E PUSH.L data259 ; 'ICON' 516E: 3F3C 0001 '?<..' PUSH #1 5172: A9A0 '..' _GetResource ; (theType:ResType; ID:INTEGER):Handle 5174: 285F '(_' POP.L A4 A4 has a handle to Icon resource ID 1. 5176: 4267 'Bg' CLR -(A7) Make space for the returned RefNum. 5178: A994 '..' _CurResFile ; :RefNum Note - no parameters passed. 517A: 3B5F FFE0 -$20 POP glob58(A5) Pop off the returned RefNum. 517E: 486D FEDE -$122 PEA glob56(A5) 5182: 3F3C 000D '?<..' PUSH #13 5186: 4EAD 002A 100048C JSR proc5(A5) Here is proc5 again - the string getter. If you remember (from looking at DRAWRESS), the 1st parm is the string ptr, and the 2nd is the string # to get. This is returning a ptr to the string "The quick brown fox..." in glob56. 518A: 7000 'p.' MOVEQ #0,D0 518C: 2B40 FED4 -$12C MOVE.L D0,glob52(A5) 5190: 7000 'p.' MOVEQ #0,D0 5192: 2B40 FECC -$134 MOVE.L D0,glob50(A5) 5196: 7000 'p.' MOVEQ #0,D0 5198: 2B40 F61E -$9E2 MOVE.L D0,glob41(A5) 519C: 3B7C FFFF F616 -$9EA MOVE #$FFFF,glob38(A5) 51A2: 426D F614 -$9EC CLR glob37(A5) 51A6: 7000 'p.' MOVEQ #0,D0 51A8: 2B40 F610 -$9F0 MOVE.L D0,glob36(A5) 51AC: 7000 'p.' MOVEQ #0,D0 51AE: 2B40 F61A -$9E6 MOVE.L D0,glob40(A5) 51B2: 7034 'p4' MOVEQ #52,D0 51B4: 2B40 F5FE -$A02 MOVE.L D0,glob31(A5) The above instructions have simply initialized several global variables. We don't care what they mean at this point. If you like, you can write down what has been set to what, but I would only recommend this if later on you need to know explicitly what a global contains. 51B8: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) 51BA: 7002 'p.' MOVEQ #2,D0 Note the MoveQ. Remember, this is the same as MOVE.L (except it executes faster). 51BC: 2F00 '/.' PUSH.L D0 51BE: 4EAD 009A 1000A5C JSR NewHandle(A5) NewHandle is a trap that returns a handle to a block of memory whose size is in D0. It makes sense to guess that this procedure will do essentially the same thing - and after checking, it certainly does. 51C2: 2B5F F622 -$9DE POP.L glob42(A5) So glob42 has a handle to a 2 byte chunk of memory. 51C6: 426D F626 -$9DA CLR glob43(A5) 51CA: 70FF 'p.' MOVEQ #-1,D0 Here is one of those cases where the sign bit is important. Remember that the -1 is sign extended to 32 bits so D0 is being set to all binary ones (-1 in binary). 51CC: 2B40 F602 -$9FE MOVE.L D0,glob32(A5) 51D0: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) 51D2: 2EB8 02F0 $2F0 MOVE.L DoubleTime,(A7) 51D6: 7002 'p.' MOVEQ #2,D0 51D8: 2F00 '/.' PUSH.L D0 51DA: 4EAD 01A2 1001120 JSR proc76(A5) This is a gross looking (i.e. no Traps anywhere) procedure so I am not going to attempt to figure it out. You will want to use the technique a lot (the "Too Gross" technique) to determine which procedures to spend time with. 51DE: 2B5F F5F6 -$A0A POP.L glob29(A5) 51E2: 207C 0000 0AD8 $AD8 MOVEA.L #SysResName,A0 Put a pointer to the System File's name in A0. 51E8: 43ED F4F6 -$B0A LEA glob28(A5),A1 Put the address of glob28 in A1. 51EC: 703F 'p?' MOVEQ #63,D0 Set up D0 as a loop counter. 51EE: 22D8 '".' lho_3 MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+ This moves 4 bytes from A0 to A1. Note the use of auto post increment to automatically move the pointers to the next available data each time. This moves 4 bytes of the System name into glob28. Note that glob28 will not be a pointer to the Sys Name, but will rather contain the actual string data. 51F0: 51C8 FFFC 20051EE DBRA D0,lho_3 This decrements D0 (the loop counter) and branches back to the start of the loop until it is finished. 51F4: 422D F4F5 -$B0B CLR.B glob27(A5) 51F8: 267C 0000 028E $28E MOVEA.L #Rom85,A3 ROM85 is another of those variables that my old IMs are missing so god only knows what is going on here. I'll guess that it is looking for the 128K roms. 51FE: 4A53 'JS' TST (A3) 5200: 6D20 2005222 BLT.S lho_4 5202: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) 5204: 3F3C 008F '?<..' PUSH #143 5208: 4EAD 00E2 1000AC6 JSR proc38(A5) Well, let's see here. Proc38 uses the passed parm as a trap number and returns that traps address on the stack. 520C: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) Note that the trap address has not been popped off the stack. So when these next instructions are done, that address will still be on the stack. 520E: 3F3C 009F '?<..' PUSH #159 5212: 4EAD 00E2 1000AC6 JSR proc38(A5) Get another trap address on the stack, 5216: 201F ' .' POP.L D0 and put it in D0, leaving the first trap address on the stack. 5218: B09F '..' CMP.L (A7)+,D0 Now, compare the two trap addresses, 521A: 56C0 'V.' SNE D0 and set the low byte of D0 to FF hex if they are not the same. 521C: 4400 'D.' NEG.B D0 Do 2's complement - make the low byte of D0 its own negative. Since D0's byte is either 0 or FF (from the SNE), the NEG will make it either 0 (if it was 0) or 1 (if it was FF) - (for NEG, invert the bits, then add a binary 1). 521E: 1B40 F4F5 -$B0B MOVE.B D0,glob27(A5) And save this number. 5222: 42A7 'B.' lho_4 CLR.L -(A7) 5224: 2F3C 0001 0000 '/<....' PUSH.L #$10000 522A: 4EAD 009A 1000A5C JSR NewHandle(A5) Get a new Handle for a block of size 10000 hex. 522E: 2B5F F4F0 -$B10 POP.L glob26(A5) And save the handle. 5232: 6708 200523C BEQ.S lho_5 Branch if a NIL pointer (meaning the memory was not available) is popped off the stack. 5234: 487A FE26 200505C PEA MYGROWZO Otherwise setup a grow zone function. 5238: 4EAD 0092 1000A1E JSR SetGrowZone(A5) A grow zone procedure is a custom method for handling low memory conditions and overrides the memory managers routines. Not a great description, but we don't really care about this. 523C: 4CDF 1880 'L...' lho_5 MOVEM.L (A7)+,D7/A3-A4 Restore those saved regs, 5240: 4E5E 'N^' UNLK A6 Kill the stack frame, 5242: 4E75 'Nu' RTS And return to the caling proc. 5244: D345 5455 5020 2020 data257 DNAME SETUP ,0 524C: '..' data258 DC.W 8 ;-refs - 2/SETUP 524E: 4943 data259 DC.B 'ICON' ;-refs - 2/SETUP 5252: 5041 data260 DC.B 'PACK' The DRAWRESS Procedure 1F6E: QUAL DRAWRESS ; b# =284 s#2 =proc148 vfp_1 VEQU -256 One local variable. param1 VEQU 8 One parameter needed. 1F6E: VEND ;-refs - 2/DRAWFHIN 2/SETUP 2/DRAWNUM ;- 2/DRAWDHIN OK, you should be able to just look at this and see what happens. First off, look at the trap, DrawString. It takes one parameter, a pointer to a string. Now, the previous line says to push the address of the local variable so this has to be the string pointer. Go back a few lines and we see that proc5 is being called with two parameters: the string pointer, and the parameter from the calling procedure. You can deduce that proc5 has to get a string from somewhere, and probably will call the GetString trap or some equivalent. In fact, if you look at proc5, you will see that it calls GetResource (resource type STR#). This returns a handle to the STR# resource. Proc5 then uses the second parameter to figure out which string the calling procedure really wants. Proc5 loops through the STR# resource until it comes to the right string, then moves a pointer to the string into the first parameter and returns. When it gets back here, vfp_1 contains a pointer to the string. 1F6E: 4E56 FF00 'NV..' DRAWRESS LINK A6,#-$100 1F72: 486E FF00 200FF00 PEA vfp_1(A6) 1F76: 3F2E 0008 2000008 PUSH param1(A6) 1F7A: 4EAD 002A 100048C JSR proc5(A5) 1F7E: 486E FF00 200FF00 PEA vfp_1(A6) At this point, vfp_1 has the stringptr. 1F82: A884 '..' _DrawString ; (s:Str255) 1F84: 4E5E 'N^' UNLK A6 1F86: 205F ' _' POP.L A0 1F88: 544F 'TO' ADDQ #2,A7 1F8A: 4ED0 'N.' JMP (A0) Note that there is no RTS instruction to return. The subroutine uses a common substitute. First it pops the return address off the stack (which is actually what the RTS would have done anyways) and then does an indirect JMP (A0). This just means to jump to whatever A0 points to and A0 points to the return address. 1F8C: C452 4157 5245 5353 data125 DNAME DRAWRESS,0,0 The MAKEAWIN Procedure 5852: QUAL MAKEAWIN ; b# =490 s#2 =proc209 vhy_1 VEQU -12 Two local variables, no parms passed. vhy_2 VEQU -8 5852: VEND ;-refs - 1/DA Mover 5852: 4E56 FFF0 'NV..' MAKEAWIN LINK A6,#-$10 5856: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) These instructions are setting up the GetNewDialog below. 1st, clear space for the DialogPtr. 5858: 3F3C 000A '?<..' PUSH #10 Push the Dialog ID #. 585C: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) Push a NIL pointer for wStorage 585E: 70FF 'p.' MOVEQ #-1,D0 5860: 2F00 '/.' PUSH.L D0 Push a 32 bit -1 (IM says to do this to make the dialog the frontmost window). 5862: A97C '.|' _GetNewDialog ; (DlgID:INTEGER; wStorage:Ptr; behind:WindowPtr):DialogPtr 5864: 2B5F FFFA -6 POP.L glob67(A5) And pop off the dialogPtr. This will be used by proc MAKEBOX. 5868: 486D FEC4 -$13C PEA glob48(A5) 586C: 3F3C 000A '?<..' PUSH #10 This is the dialog item - the left list box if you check Resedit. 5870: 4EBA FF32 20057A4 JSR MAKEBOX Well, after inspecting this procedure, it looks like more can be determined by just looking at these few instructions here. Notice that MakeBox is being called with two parameters: The 1st being an unknown global variable, and the second being one of the two list boxes in Mover's main dialog. So it looks like MakeBox is just performing some housekeeping on these two list boxes. 5874: 486D FEC8 -$138 PEA glob49(A5) 5878: 3F3C 000B '?<..' PUSH #11 Now do the right list box. 587C: 4EBA FF26 20057A4 JSR MAKEBOX 5880: 206D FEC4 -$13C MOVEA.L glob48(A5),A0 Get the address in (not of) glob48 into A0, 5884: 2050 ' P' MOVEA.L (A0),A0 and dereference it - or get whatever glob48 was pointing at into A0. 5886: 216D FEC8 0004 -$138 MOVE.L glob49(A5),4(A0) Now move glob49 (a pointer I suspect) into 4 past A0. So glob48 contains a pointer which points four bytes behind the pointer in glob49. 588C: 206D FEC8 -$138 MOVEA.L glob49(A5),A0 Now do the exact opposite. Grab the pointer in glob49 and stick the pointer in glob48 4 bytes past it. 5890: 2050 ' P' MOVEA.L (A0),A0 5892: 216D FEC4 0004 -$13C MOVE.L glob48(A5),4(A0) These last few instructions were kind of a mess because we don't no anything about how globs 48 and 49 will be used. We will come back here after looking at MainEven and particularly HandleBu. It will turn out that these two globals are pointers (or maybe handles, we don't really care) to the two list boxes on the main dialog. In addition, each pointer as a way of referring to the other list box. At this point, this does not make any sense, but later on, glob 50 will be set to either glob48 or glob 49 (or NIL) depending on which list box - if any - has a selection made in it. The reason that glob48 and glob49 need to refer to each other, is that glob50 will be used to check both list boxes to see if their associated volumes are locked. See HandleBu for details. 5898: 2F2D FFFA -6 PUSH.L glob67(A5) 589C: 3F3C 0002 '?<..' PUSH #2 Item is the Copy button. 58A0: 486E FFF4 200FFF4 PEA vhy_1(A6) 58A4: 486D FFF6 -$A PEA glob66(A5) This will save a handle to it. 58A8: 486E FFF8 200FFF8 PEA vhy_2(A6) 58AC: A98D '..' _GetDItem ; (dlg:DialogPtr; itemNo:INTEGER; VAR kind:INTEGER; VAR item:Handle; VAR box:Rect) 58AE: 2F2D FFFA -6 PUSH.L glob67(A5) 58B2: 3F3C 0006 '?<..' PUSH #6 Item is the left Open button. 58B6: 486E FFF4 200FFF4 PEA vhy_1(A6) 58BA: 486D FFEC -$14 PEA glob63(A5) This will save a handle to it. 58BE: 486E FFF8 200FFF8 PEA vhy_2(A6) 58C2: A98D '..' _GetDItem ; (dlg:DialogPtr; itemNo:INTEGER; VAR kind:INTEGER; VAR item:Handle; VAR box:Rect) 58C4: 2F2D FFFA -6 PUSH.L glob67(A5) 58C8: 3F3C 0007 '?<..' PUSH #7 Item is the right Open button. 58CC: 486E FFF4 200FFF4 PEA vhy_1(A6) 58D0: 486D FFF0 -$10 PEA glob64(A5) This will save a handle to it. 58D4: 486E FFF8 200FFF8 PEA vhy_2(A6) 58D8: A98D '..' _GetDItem ; (dlg:DialogPtr; itemNo:INTEGER; VAR kind:INTEGER; VAR item:Handle; VAR box:Rect) Now the program is going to assign dialog procedures to various of its items. Items 12 and 13 - the two filename boxes are assigned the DrawName proecdure. Items 14 - the size selected box - gets DrawSize. Item 15 -the font text demo box - gets DrawHint. Items 16 through 18 - various lines in the dialog box - get DrawGray. And items 19 and 20 - the free space on disk boxes - get DrawFree. If you examine SetDProc, you will see that it simply invokes GetDItem to get a handle to the dialog item (passed from the list below) and then uses SetDItem to set the dialogProcPtr to the procedure passed from the list below. 58DA: 3F3C 000C '?<..' PUSH #12 58DE: 487A FB2E 200540E PEA DRAWNAME 58E2: 4EBA FE7E 2005762 JSR SETDPROC 58E6: 3F3C 000D '?<..' PUSH #13 58EA: 487A FB22 200540E PEA DRAWNAME 58EE: 4EBA FE72 2005762 JSR SETDPROC 58F2: 3F3C 000E '?<..' PUSH #14 58F6: 487A FC32 200552A PEA DRAWSIZE 58FA: 4EBA FE66 2005762 JSR SETDPROC 58FE: 3F3C 000F '?<..' PUSH #15 5902: 487A FA3A 200533E PEA DRAWHINT 5906: 4EBA FE5A 2005762 JSR SETDPROC 590A: 3F3C 0010 '?<..' PUSH #16 590E: 487A FE1C 200572C PEA DRAWGRAY 5912: 4EBA FE4E 2005762 JSR SETDPROC 5916: 3F3C 0011 '?<..' PUSH #17 591A: 487A FE10 200572C PEA DRAWGRAY 591E: 4EBA FE42 2005762 JSR SETDPROC 5922: 3F3C 0012 '?<..' PUSH #18 5926: 487A FE04 200572C PEA DRAWGRAY 592A: 4EBA FE36 2005762 JSR SETDPROC 592E: 3F3C 0013 '?<..' PUSH #19 5932: 487A FD12 2005646 PEA DRAWFREE 5936: 4EBA FE2A 2005762 JSR SETDPROC 593A: 3F3C 0014 '?<..' PUSH #20 593E: 487A FD06 2005646 PEA DRAWFREE 5942: 4EBA FE1E 2005762 JSR SETDPROC 5946: 2F2D FFFA -6 PUSH.L glob67(A5) Now the dialog is made the current Port 594A: A873 '.s' _SetPort ; (port:GrafPtr) 594C: 2F2D FFFA -6 PUSH.L glob67(A5) and make the dialog visible, 5950: A915 '..' _ShowWindow ; (theWindow:WindowPtr) 5952: 2F2D FFFA -6 PUSH.L glob67(A5) and make it the frontmost window. 5956: A91F '..' _SelectWindow ; (theWindow:WindowPtr) 5958: 3F3C 0002 '?<..' PUSH #2 595C: 4EBA A78A 20000E8 JSR DIMITEM These instructions dim the two Open buttons. 5960: 3F3C 0003 '?<..' PUSH #3 5964: 4EBA A782 20000E8 JSR DIMITEM 5968: 2F2D FFFA -6 PUSH.L glob67(A5) 596C: A981 '..' _DrawDialog ; (dlg:DialogPtr) And finally, draw the damn thing. 596E: 4E5E 'N^' UNLK A6 5970: 4E75 'Nu' RTS 5972: CD41 4B45 4157 494E data270 DNAME MAKEAWIN,0,0 The MAKEBOX Procedure. 57A4: QUAL MAKEBOX ; b# =488 s#2 =proc208 vhx_1 VEQU -14 vhx_2 VEQU -10 vhx_3 VEQU -8 vhx_4 VEQU -4 param2 VEQU 8 Parm 2 is the dialog item # param1 VEQU 10 57A4: VEND ;-refs - 2/MAKEAWIN 57A4: 4E56 FFF2 'NV..' MAKEBOX LINK A6,#-$E 57A8: 48E7 0018 'H...' MOVEM.L A3-A4,-(A7) 57AC: 266E 000A 200000A MOVEA.L param1(A6),A3 A3 gets whatever is in parm 1. 57B0: 2F2D FFFA -6 PUSH.L glob67(A5) Push the DialogPtr, 57B4: 3F2E 0008 2000008 PUSH param2(A6) And push the item #. 57B8: 486E FFF6 200FFF6 PEA vhx_2(A6) This will get the Kind. 57BC: 486E FFF2 200FFF2 PEA vhx_1(A6) This will get the ItemHandle. 57C0: 486E FFF8 200FFF8 PEA vhx_3(A6) This will get the Box. 57C4: A98D '..' _GetDItem ; (dlg:DialogPtr; itemNo:INTEGER; VAR kind:INTEGER; VAR item:Handle; VAR box:Rect) 57C6: 2F2D FFFA -6 PUSH.L glob67(A5) Now push the dialogPtr and item again... 57CA: 3F2E 0008 2000008 PUSH param2(A6) 57CE: 3F2E FFF6 200FFF6 PUSH vhx_2(A6) Push the item Kind 57D2: 487A F662 2004E36 PEA DRAWBOX See IM - this is a procPtr. 57D6: 486E FFF8 200FFF8 PEA vhx_3(A6) And push the Box 57DA: A98E '..' _SetDItem ; (dlg:DialogPtr; itemNo,kind:INTEGER; item:Handle; box:Rect) 57DC: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) 57DE: 7064 'pd' MOVEQ #100,D0 57E0: 2F00 '/.' PUSH.L D0 57E2: 4EAD 009A 1000A5C JSR NewHandle(A5) 57E6: 269F '&.' POP.L (A3) Get a new handle - size 100 - and put it into parm1 (which A3 points to). 57E8: 2053 ' S' MOVEA.L (A3),A0 A0 gets the handle. 57EA: 2850 '(P' MOVEA.L (A0),A4 And A4 gets the pointer. OK, A0 is a handle meaning it points to a pointer which in turn points to whatever it is we care about (in this case, a free block of memory). That means that (A0) grabs what ever A0 points to which is (by definition of a handle) the pointer. 57EC: 28AD FFFA -6 MOVE.L glob67(A5),(A4) And now we put the dialogPtr into the block of memory gotten by NewHandle. 57F0: 426C 0060 'Bl.`' CLR 96(A4) Remember, A4 points (its a pointer, not a handle!) to a block of memory, 100 bytes long. So this instruction simply clears the 96 byte in that block. 57F4: 204C ' L' MOVEA.L A4,A0 Put the pointer into A0. 57F6: 5088 'P.' ADDQ.L #8,A0 Add 8 to A0. Previously we had stored the dialogPtr at the beginning of this block. Since a pointer is 8 bytes long, A0 no points to the first byte after the dialogPtr. 57F8: 43EE FFF8 200FFF8 LEA vhx_3(A6),A1 vhx_3 is a Box which is of type Rect which is 4 integers, or 4 words, or two long words. 57FC: 20D9 ' .' MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0)+ 57FE: 20D9 ' .' MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0)+ So move the Box information into the free memory right after the dialogPtr and increment A0 to the next free byte. 5800: 302E FFFC 200FFFC MOVE vhx_4(A6),D0 This is tough since we don't know what vhx_4 is to start with. 5804: 906E FFF8 200FFF8 SUB vhx_3(A6),D0 But whatever, subtrack vhx_3 from it, result in D0. 5808: 48C0 'H.' EXT.L D0 At this point, D0 is accurate to the word length (since that was all the SUB specified). This will make it's sign (negative or posative) accurate to all 32 bits. 580A: 81FC 0010 '....' DIVS #16,D0 Now, divide by 16. 580E: 3940 0062 '9@.b' MOVE D0,98(A4) And put this value (whatever it is) in the last two bytes (notice it is a word length instruction) of the memory block. 5812: 426C 0058 'Bl.X' CLR 88(A4) 5816: 397C FFFF 0056 '9|...V' MOVE #$FFFF,86(A4) 581C: 422C 0014 'B,..' CLR.B 20(A4) These last instructions are filling in various parts of the memory block. 5820: 206D FFFA -6 MOVEA.L glob67(A5),A0 Put the DialogPtr back in A0. 5824: 2153 0098 '!S..' MOVE.L (A3),152(A0) A3 still points to parm1. 5828: 2F13 '/.' PUSH.L (A3) So, this effectively pushes parm1 582A: 4EBA AEA4 20006D0 JSR MAKESBAR This is fairly complicated, but this procedure makes a scroll bar for the dialog item. 582E: 2053 ' S' MOVEA.L (A3),A0 5830: 2050 ' P' MOVEA.L (A0),A0 Can't tell what these instructions are doing. 5832: 2068 0010 ' h..' MOVEA.L 16(A0),A0 5836: 2050 ' P' MOVEA.L (A0),A0 5838: 2153 0024 '!S.$' MOVE.L (A3),36(A0) 583C: 4CDF 1800 'L...' MOVEM.L (A7)+,A3-A4 5840: 4E5E 'N^' UNLK A6 5842: 205F ' _' POP.L A0 Pop off the return address. 5844: 5C4F '\O' ADDQ #6,A7 5846: 4ED0 'N.' JMP (A0) And jump back to the calling procedure. 5848: CD41 4B45 424F 5820 data269 DNAME MAKEBOX ,0,0 The MAINEVEN Procedure Basically, the main loop consists of a set of housekeeping routines, a call to ModalDialog to read dialog events that take place, and a simple jump table to handle the various events. D7 needs to be zero for the loop to keep running. If an error occurs, or the user hits Quit, D7 is changed to one and the procedure exits. First, DA Mover attempts to allocate a large block of memory (10000 hex) into glob26. If this is successful (or glob26 already has a memory handle) then the program skips down to make some more checks - otherwise a memory error is generated. Next, the procedure checks to see if there are any files open and if so, calls FlushVol to write any changes to disk. 0: QUAL MAINEVEN ; b# =1 s#1 =proc1 vab_1 VEQU -6 0: VEND ;-refs - 1/DA Mover 0: 4E56 FFF8 'NV..' MAINEVEN LINK A6,#-8 4: 48E7 0308 'H...' MOVEM.L D6-D7/A4,-(A7) 8: 4207 'B.' CLR.B D7 Enable the Main Event Loop. A: 4AAD F4F0 -$B10 lab_1 TST.L glob26(A5) glob46 will (or does) contain a handle to a large block of memory. So, if glob26 already has the handle, branch down, otherwise try to get some memory. E: 661C 100002C BNE.S lab_2 10: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) Clear stack space for the returned handle. 12: 2F3C 0001 0000 '/<....' PUSH.L #$10000 Size of memory block needed. 18: 4EBA 0A42 1000A5C JSR NewHandle 1C: 2B5F F4F0 -$B10 POP.L glob26(A5) And get the handle in glob26. 20: 660A 100002C BNE.S lab_2 Remember, a NIL handle or pointer is all zeroes. glob26 either has a valid handle or a NIL handle. If it is valid, branch. 22: 3F3C 0032 '?<.2' PUSH #50 26: 4EAD 01CA 200023C JSR DOALERT(A5) Otherwise do some memory alert (you can check this if you like.) 2A: 7E01 '~.' MOVEQ #1,D7 and disable the main event loop. 2C: 1007 '..' lab_2 MOVE.B D7,D0 2E: 6600 00D0 1000100 BNE lab_15 Go if loop disabled from above. 32: 206D FEC4 -$13C MOVEA.L glob48(A5),A0 Get reference to left list box. 36: 2850 '(P' MOVEA.L (A0),A4 38: 4A6C 0058 'Jl.X' TST 88(A4) Look at the descrpition of FlushVol (next paragraph) to see what this variable means. 3C: 670E 100004C BEQ.S lab_3 Seeing that 88(A4) is the VRefNum, then branch if it is zero (no volume available - i.e. the list box has no opened file in it). 3E: 4267 'Bg' CLR -(A7) Space for function result (OSErr). 40: 42A7 'B.' CLR.L -(A7) iovNameP